Zolin in “Best of the Boros!”

6th Annual Show of Important, Underrepresented Artists in NYC Art From the Boros VI, on view December 20, 2018 – February 2, 2019.
Opening: December 20, 2018, from 5:30 – 8:30pm.
Denise Bibro Fine Art
520 W 20th St Suite 4W, New York, New York 10011
Over the years, gallerist Denise Bibro and her staff have undertaken hundreds of studio visits searching for finest overlooked artistic talent to present to the public. Ms. Bibro has chosen my painting, “Nothing is Specific But Everything Is Clear,” to represent me in “Art from the Boros VI,”  the latest in this series of exhibitions, which features over 50 artists from every boro of New York City !